The 10 best hand cannons in Destiny 2 PvP

The 10 best hand cannons in Destiny 2 PvP

The PvP sandbox within Destiny 2 is constantly evolving, often nerfing entire weapon archetypes and upgrading others. That said, despite years of upgrades, manual cannons remain the kings of the crucible. Whether it's close-range, long-range, un sighted, or scoped fire, hand cannons are arguably the most versatile type of weapon within the Destiny 2 sandbox. In this guide, we'll go over your best hand cannon options. to take into any PvP activity along with some recommended shots so you can dominate in style.

The palindrome

The 10 best hand cannons in Destiny 2 PvP

If you are looking for an energy hand cannon that is incredibly easy to use, has incredible base stats, and will never let you down on most engagements, then The Palindrome is for you. A returning favorite of Destiny 1, The Palindrome can also release Adept to give you an added stat boost. Make sure to grab one the next time it's available after nightfall.

  • Barrel: hammer-forged rifling
  • Magazine: Richochet Rounds
  • Advantage 1: referral
  • Advantage 2: Rangefinder
  • Masterpiece: Gamma
  • Mod: Icarus Grip

With a fiery hammer

The 10 best hand cannons in Destiny 2 PvP

Staying within the energy slot, Igneous Hammer is a slow-firing, powerful hand cannon with impressive range. This weapon is a little harder to get used to, but once you get the hang of it, you'll find you're doing long streaks and even scout rifles out of range. Additionally, this weapon offers Rampage, which will allow you to shoot opposing Guardians twice after a couple of kills. Since the reworking of Trials of Osiris in Season of the Lost, Igneous Hammer has become easier than ever to acquire from Saint 14. Also, be sure to aim for the lighthouse when the Adep version of this weapon is the reward.

  • Barrel: hammer-forged rifling
  • Magazine: Richochet Rounds
  • Advantage 1: quick hit
  • Advantage 2: Fury
  • Masterpiece: reach or stability
  • Mod: Icarus Grip


The 10 best hand cannons in Destiny 2 PvP

If you are a mouse and keyboard gamer, you can probably completely skip this gun. If you're a controller gamer, however, then you know that Crimson has dominated the crucible for the past couple of months. His blast abilities offer a very quick time to kill which perfectly matches the sticky feel he has on a controller. Pair that with its ability to heal you after each kill and you can stumble into enemy territory and tackle most gunfights with confidence.

Ace of Spades

The 10 best hand cannons in Destiny 2 PvP

Ace of Spades is probably the best and most consistent hand cannon in Destiny 2. It's very easy to acquire and comes with perks like Memento Mori, which is essentially just an upgraded Kill Clip that doesn't run out until you put it away or reload it. the gun. In addition to its good perks, it also has base stats that are perfect for a 140 rpm hand cannon. If you want the true Destiny 2 Hand Cannon experience, the Ace of Spades is definitely for you.

Bearer of destiny

The 10 best hand cannons in Destiny 2 PvP

Fatebringer is a legendary weapon in the world of Destiny. Its status within Destiny 1 has made it one of the most popular and sought-after weapons ever, and that remains true upon its return in Destiny 2. Fatebringer feels just as quick and snappy as in Destiny 1 and comes with the 'further availability of random rolls. Fandom aside, Fatebringer offers a reliable fast hand cannon that has some great gasp abilities for those pesky pulse rifle campers or sniper rifle players. Not only that, but Fatebringer can also be released as a Timelost weapon from the master version of Vault of Glass, which is essentially a rename for Adept.

  • Barrel: hammer-forged rifling
  • Magazine: accurate shots
  • Advantage 1: explosive payload
  • Advantage 2: Opening shot
  • Masterpiece: Gamma
  • Mod: Icarus Grip

Say Promise

The 10 best hand cannons in Destiny 2 PvP

Like Fatebringer, Dire Promise is a 140-rpm kinetic hand cannon, but unlike Fatebringer, it has a considerably longer range that will make tapping three targets a breeze. Dire Promise really looks like it was made with the PvP player in mind and probably feels a little more snappy than Fatebringer. Most of the perks of this gun perform quite well within the PvP sandbox and allow you to easily shoot from target to target. Also, Dire Promise is very easy to obtain as it is just a worldwide drop from most sources in the game.

  • Mirino: Hitmark HCS
  • Magazine: Richochet Rounds
  • Advantage 1: Opening shot
  • Advantage 2: Rangefinder
  • Masterpiece: Gamma
  • Mod: Icarus Grip

Shot of the sun

The 10 best hand cannons in Destiny 2 PvP

In a previous Destiny 2 update, all 150-rpm manual guns were fused into the 140-rpm archetype, except for one. The Sunshot maintains its 150 RPM status which gives it the ability to tap three times within its range faster than any hand cannon in the game. That said, Sunshot's base stats are a bit sparse, but if you can master the feel of the weapon and be an aggressive player, Sunshot will kill the other Guardians considerably faster than the other hand cannons in the game.

The last word

The 10 best hand cannons in Destiny 2 PvP

The last word is one of those weapons that looks so undeniably Destiny. It's an exotic that looks truly unique and unlike any other weapon in the game, but it requires an experienced user to get the most out of it. There are two rules that everyone should know when using The Last Word: 1. never aim down and 2. always play closely. If you can master these mechanics, The Last Word will win almost any close combat you start, even against shotguns. If you want to feel like a true space cowboy, get The Last Word.

The true prophecy

The 10 best hand cannons in Destiny 2 PvP

True Prophecy is Igneous Hammer's kinetic brother. Like the Igneous Hammer, True Prophecy shoots slowly but hits hard, but it is true that it is a little more difficult to control. However, he has something of a cult following, with many regular crucible killers claiming that he is arguably better than the Igneous Hammer despite the clear differences in statistics. True Prophecy is also easy to get as a world drop, so go in and decide for yourself if it's the next best weapon in your kinetic slot.

  • Canna: Hitmark HCS
  • Magazine: accurate shots
  • Advantage 1: Rangefinder / Opening Shot
  • Advantage 2: Fury
  • Masterpiece: reach or stability
  • Mod: Icarus Grip


The 10 best hand cannons in Destiny 2 PvP

Ah the Thorn, perhaps the most loved and hated weapon in Destiny history. While he may not be his former self, Thorn is still an incredibly good and certainly annoying weapon in Destiny 2. His ability to poison enemies and prevent them from gaining resurrection or advancing is unrivaled in the game. You can also harvest a will after a kill for a slightly attenuated pre-nerfed thorn, making you a true dredge in the crucible. If you consider yourself a connoisseur of darkness, bring the Thorn into your next game.

Like most weapons in Destiny 2, your best bet is one that aligns with the way you like to play, but starting with these is probably a good bet if you're trying to find your style of play. Try them all and find out which one is your favorite!

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