When is Ganyu's birthday in Genshin Impact?

When is Ganyu's birthday in Genshin Impact?

In Genshin Impact, all playable characters have a birthday that provides special rewards for travelers throughout the year. Ganyu celebrates her birthday on December 2nd. The birthday mail contains a letter written by Ganyu and some special rewards delivered by her. You will get 5 Qingxin, 1 Prosperous Peace and 1 Qingxin Seed.

Qingxin are flowers that you can use to ascend Ganyu and other characters. You can plant Qingxin seed in your garden to have an unlimited supply of these flowers. Finally, Peace Prosper is his special pot which restores 40% of his maximum HP and another 2.350 HP to a selected character.

Ganyu birthday letter

I have heard my colleagues say that birthdays are very special among humans and are important occasions to celebrate. These are days to go to places you wouldn't normally go, and spend Mora on things you wouldn't normally buy. Only then would they be considered birthdays.

But for me the passage of time is a trivial thing. I am always very busy on my birthdays, and every year they always go the same way.

During my nap today, you unexpectedly appeared in my dream. You said something to me with a smile ... Unfortunately, I can't remember what you said after I woke up.

Maybe it's a sign that there is something you want to tell me? Maybe I should take this opportunity to meet you… In any case, I have prepared a gift according to Liyue's customs.

Here are some Qingxin seeds, so you can experience the joy of planting and harvesting. Ah… there's no more room to write tips on how to plant and care, but that's okay, let's discuss them when we meet.

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