When is Kazuha's birthday in Genshin Impact?

When is Kazuha's birthday in Genshin Impact?

In Genshin Impact, all playable characters have a birthday that offers special rewards for travelers throughout the year. Kazuha, the samurai with a tragic story, celebrates his birthday on October 29th.

Kazuha will send you an in-game birthday letter, which contains a heartfelt message and some in-game rewards. You will receive 1 stagecoach guide and 1 beauty for all seasons. All-Weather Beauty is a food that restores 16% of maximum HP and an additional 1.350 HP to a selected character.

Kazuha's birthday letter

“The weather has been clear lately without a lot of rain, which makes it suitable for an outing. During my free time, I walked through hills and fields and saw trees with golden leaves. Looking at this beautiful scenery, one cannot help but think: Although spring flowers are beautiful, autumn leaves also have their beauty. These types of places are very different from those in my homeland.

But the bird's lugubrious voice is a pitiful thing. He is used to wandering, but yearns for a permanent haven. It is only human to gravitate towards light and heat.

Indeed, the morning winds tell me about an auspicious visitor today. I made some tea ahead of time and would appreciate it very much if I stayed for dinner so I could roast a fish for both of us. This is one of my favorite seafood dishes. A little simple and rustic, but I hope that's your taste.

Since the wind tells me of your coming, follow its direction as it holds the key to our 'destiny' ”.

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