When is Kaeya's birthday on Genshin Impact?

When is Kaeya's birthday on Genshin Impact?

In Genshin Impact, all playable characters have a birthday that provides special rewards for travelers throughout the year. Kaeya celebrates her birthday on November 30th. The birthday mail contains a letter written by Kaeya and some special rewards delivered by him. You will get 10 Crystal Cores and 1 Fruity Skewers.

Fruit Skewers are food items that restore 16% of maximum HP and an additional 1.350 HP to the selected character. You can claim both items by simply opening the game and checking the stakes.

Kaeya's birthday letter

The Grand Master gave me the day off, probably because it was my birthday.

Too bad I wasn't in the mood for a drink so I opted for a stroll.

But you know, going where the wind takes me isn't that different from what I always do ...

Haha, just kidding. Our work as Knights of Favonius can be both thankless and hard.

The opportunity to leave our worries at the door, free our minds and feel the breeze can be a lifesaver. So I ended up going a little further than expected, only to find all these Crystalflies around me. Well, is it just me, or were they also waiting for the grapes from the cellar to turn into good alcohol?

Either way, I've heard you really like sparkly charms, so they're all yours.

… All in all, I think that in the future I will refrain from solitary walks.

I will ask you to come with you instead: it will be more interesting that way, I think.

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