When is Keqing's birthday at Genshin Impact?

When is Keqing's birthday at Genshin Impact?

In Genshin Impact, all playable characters have a birthday that offers special rewards for travelers throughout the year. Keqing celebrates his birthday on November 20. The birthday mail contains a letter written by Keqing and some special rewards she delivered. You will get 10 Qingxin and 1 Survival Grilled Fish.

Survival Grilled Fish are foods that restore 16% of maximum HP and an additional 1.350 HP to the selected character. You can claim both items simply by opening the game and checking the stakes.

Keqing's birthday letter

I have spent a few more hours in the past couple of days to finish all the work I may have in the near future.

Since it's my birthday, I'll show you Liyue Port.

The night markets here are full of places to go. Between the shops selling handicrafts and those selling small gadgets and trinkets, even a light stroll is worth your time.

I will dress up in more ordinary clothes and dress up a little, so I will not be recognized by the citizens.

In this way, we can spend some free time shopping together, just the two of us.

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