When is Xingqiu's birthday in Genshin Impact?

When is Xingqiu's birthday in Genshin Impact?

In Genshin Impact, all playable characters have a birthday that provides special rewards for travelers throughout the year. Xingqiu's, everyone's favorite bookwarm, falls on October 9th.

The birthday email contains a letter written by Xingqiu, as well as some special rewards he delivered. You will receive 10 silk flowers and 1 pack of treats just by opening the game and checking your mail. The All-Delicacy Parcel is a dish that restores 26% of Max HP to the selected character and regenerates 570 HP every 5 seconds for 30 seconds.

miHoYo also released some official birthday illustrations on HoYoLab, along with a short character showing Xingqiu, Paimon and Traveler together.

When is Xingqiu's birthday in Genshin Impact?

Xingqiu birthday letter

Do you remember what day it is today?

If you can't remember, this snack can be a clue. Maybe you can remember when you see it.

To surprise you with a new taste, I spent a lot of time improving the formula. Please have a taste.

* sigh *… I wanted to hide this letter at the bottom of the snack box but I was afraid I might lose it. It would be a shame if you did.

I'll offer you some fish next time. When the time comes, you need to keep an eye on it. Maybe there will be something hidden in the fish's belly.

Also, I read an interesting article recently. He wrote that there was a righteous golden-haired traveler who did many great deeds in many places in the world and received many compliments from many people. The content of this article is true, but if it is exaggerated ... I will wait for you to come and judge for yourself.

I'll be waiting for you on the roof tonight.

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