When is Eula's birthday in Genshin Impact?

When is Eula's birthday in Genshin Impact?

In Genshin Impact, all playable characters have a birthday that provides special rewards for travelers throughout the year. Eula, the reliable member of the Knights of Favonius, celebrates her birthday on October 25th.

Eula will send you an in-game birthday letter, which contains a sincere message and some in-game rewards. You will receive 1 Stormcrest Cake and 1 Resistance Guide. Stormcrest Cake is a food that increases your team's shield strength by 40% and DEF by 282 for 300 seconds. The Resistance Guide is a material to raise the level of talents that Eula uses.

Eula birthday letter

Traditionally, birthday parties for the Lawrence clan are occasions marked by a myriad of rules and rituals. We are also very selective with who we invite. It's so annoying that you don't want to celebrate birthdays anymore.

But since I'm no longer tied to such nonsense, I don't worry about it anymore. At this moment, you are the only one invited. Let's forget about these platitudes and the difference in status between the two of us. Just think of me as "Eula" for today.

We can go skiing in Dragonspine. The winter breeze can be pungent but it is also refreshing.

Don't forget to layer, otherwise I'll have to wrap my cloak around you.

… And if that happens, I will remember this complaint for the rest of my life.

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