When is Thoma's birthday in Genshin Impact?

When is Thoma's birthday in Genshin Impact?

In Genshin Impact, all playable characters celebrate a birthday that offers special rewards for travelers throughout the year. Thoma celebrates his birthday on January 9th. The birthday mail contains a letter written by Thoma and some other special prizes: all food, this time. You will receive a delicious buttered crab, the delicious mixed Yakisoba and a soup dish called "Heat".

Delicious Butter Crab increases the DEF of all party members by 30 and increases healing effects by 10% for 300 seconds. Delicious Mixed Yakisoba revives a character and restores 550 HP. And “Heat” restores 14% of maximum HP to the selected character and restores 350 HP every 5 seconds for 30 seconds.

Thomas birthday letter

In recent years, I usually spend my birthday with Lord Ayato and Lady Ayaka.

But this morning, my lord asked me if I had any other plans today… Honestly, I wanted to meet you.

Lately, I've been worried that you haven't been taking care of yourself on your trip. While walking around Ritou, Mondstadt occasionally comes to mind. There are many reasons, but in the end… it's because I want to see you.

Tell me where can I find you!

Oh, that's right, leave the dinner plans to me. Do not worry.

Today I am at the top of my game and I am sure you will be very satisfied. If there is anything else you need, let me know. Do not be a stranger! I'll make sure to take everything with me!

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