When is Diona's birthday in Genshin Impact?

When is Diona's birthday in Genshin Impact?

In Genshin Impact, all playable characters celebrate a birthday that offers special rewards for travelers throughout the year. Diona celebrates her birthday on January 18th. The birthday mail contains a letter written by Diona and some other special prizes. You will receive 10 glow plugs and 1 definitely not bar food!

The luminescent spine is a special material that can be used in creation. It doesn't create much, but you can currently use it to create portable waypoints, which are special teleportation waypoints that you can temporarily place anywhere in the overworld. Meanwhile, the Definitely Not Bar Food! it is a food that revives a character and restores 10% of maximum HP, then restores another 150 HP.

Birthday letter from Diona

Hey, hey! I've caught a ton of sparkling fireflies in the past few days, there are so many that I can't even put them all in my bag!

At first I just wanted to add one or two to the shaker to make the most disgusting cocktail to scare those alcoholics. But the process of catching the fireflies was so fun I couldn't stop myself… It's not my fault! My tail thinks so too, it keeps swinging without my control ...

Uh! * cough * Do you like shiny things? Um ... Anyway, it's all for you!

If you want to thank me, come and celebrate my birthday with me. I will decorate the room in advance with the remaining Small Lamp Grass, Butterfly Wings and Starconches…

You have to come!

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